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J2EE Tutorial School

Get Enter To The World of J2EE Through "JAVA Tutorial School".

Friday, 28 March 2014

Features Of Java

Features of Java

There is given many features of java. They are also known as java buzzwords.
  1. Object-Oriented
  2. Platform independent
  3. Secured
  4. Robust
  5. Architecture neutral
  6. Portable
  7. Dynamic
  8. Interpreted
  9. High Performance
  10. Multithreaded
  11. Distributed


According to Sun, Java language is simple because:
      syntax is based on C++ (so easier for programmers to learn it after C++).
      removed many confusing and/or rarely-used features e.g., explicit pointers, operator
overloading etc.
No need to remove unreferenced objects because there is Automatic Garbage Collection in java.


Object-oriented means we organize our software as a combination of different types of objects
that incorporates both data and behaviour.
Object-oriented programming(OOPs) is a methodology that simplify software development and maintenance by providing some rules.
Basic concepts of OOPs are:
  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstraction
  6. Encapsulation

Platform Independent:

A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. There are two
types of platforms software-based and hardware-based. Java provides software-based platform.
The Java platform differs from most other platforms in the sense that it's a software-based
platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.It has two components:
  1. Runtime Environment
  2. API(Application Programming Interface)
java is platform independentJava code can be run on multiple platforms e.g.Windows,Linux,Sun Solaris,Mac/OS etc. Java code is compiled by the compiler and converted into bytecode.This bytecode is a platform independent code because it can be run on multiple platforms i.e. Write Once and Run Anywhere(WORA).


Java is secured because:
  • No explicit pointer
  • Programs run inside virtual machine sandbox.
how java is securedhow java is secured
  • Classloader- adds security by separating the package for the classes of the local file      system from those that are imported from network sources.
  • Bytecode Verifier- checks the code fragments for illegal code that can violate access        right to objects.
  • Security Manager- determines what resources a class can access such as reading and     writing to the local disk.
These security are provided by java language. Some security can also be provided by application developer through SSL,JAAS,cryptography etc.


Robust simply means strong. Java uses strong memory management. There are lack of pointers       that avoids security problem. There is automatic garbage collection in java. There is exception
handling and type checking mechanism in java. All these points makes java robust.


There is no implementation dependent features e.g. size of primitive types is set.


We may carry the java bytecode to any platform.


Java is faster than traditional interpretation since byte code is "close" to native code still
somewhat slower than a compiled language (e.g., C++)


We can create distributed applications in java. RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications. We may access files by calling the methods from any machine on the internet.


A thread is like a separate program, executing concurrently. We can write Java programs that deal
with many tasks at once by defining multiple threads. The main advantage of multi-threading is
that it shares the same memory. Threads are important for multi-media, Web applications etc.

History Of Java

James Gosling - founder of java

History of Java:

For the green team members, it was an advance concept at that time. But, it was suited for internet programming. Later, Java technology as incorporated by Netscape.Java history is interesting to know. Java eam members (also known as Green Team), initiated a revolutionary task to develop a language for digital devices such as set-top boxes, televisions etc.
Currently, Java is used in internet programming, mobile devices, games, e-business solutions etc. There are given the major points that describes the history of java.
1) James GoslingMike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991. The small team of sun engineers called Green Team.
2) Originally designed for small, embedded systems in electronic appliances like set-top boxes.
3) Firstly, it was called "Greentalk" by James Gosling and file extension was .gt.
4) After that, it was called Oak and was developed as a part of the Green project.
Java History from Oak to Java

Why Oak name for java language?

5) Why Oak? Oak is a symbol of strength and choosen as a national tree of many countries like U.S.A., France, Germany, Romania etc.
6) In 1995, Oak was renamed as "Java" because it was already a trademark by Oak Technologies.

Why Java name for java language?

7) Why they choose java name for java language? The team gathered to choose a new name. The suggested words were "dynamic", "revolutionary", "Silk", "jolt", "DNA" etc. They wanted something that reflected the essence of the technology: revolutionary, dynamic, lively, cool, unique, and easy to spell and fun to say.
According to James Gosling "Java was one of the top choices along with Silk". Since java was so unique, most of the team members preferred java.
8) Java is an island of Indonesia where first coffee was produced (called java coffee).
9) Notice that Java is just a name not an acronym.
10) Originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Micro systems (which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995.
11) In 1995, Time magazine called Java one of the Ten Best Products of 1995.
12) JDK 1.0 released in(January 23, 1996).

On 13 November 2006, Sun released much of Java as free and open source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). 

On 8 May 2007, Sun finished the process, making all of Java's core code free and open-source, aside from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright.